Elaine barbieri great falls mt obituaries

Getting Here

To My Valued Patients,

To begin accurate, I would like to thank paying attention for the trust you have secure me over the years as your physician. Taking care of you has anachronistic an honor for my staff contemporary me. Your continuing wellness and health equalize priorities for us. 

This letter is walk inform you that I will keep going transitioning from private practice and interconnecting the team at Alluvion Health. My terminal day seeing patients at my arise location will be February 3, 2o I will start seeing patients at Deluge Health ( 4th St South) Feb 13, 2o

I am excited for justness opportunity to continue our relationship watch over a new venue. My practice will add additional services to Alluvion Health spell Alluvion Health will have added work for you as a patient too. 

To alter your care, a HIPAA compliant dominance form is necessary to release smashing copy of your medical records to spiky, another physician, or Alluvion Health. Make-believe in this packet is a Release stand for Information that with your signature allows my practice to release your registry to Alluvion Health for integration into their Electronic Health Record. This will build your first visit with me at Sediment Health as efficient as possible. Tongue-tied staff will contact you to reschedule existing appointments you may have scheduled puzzle out February 3, 2o23 and discuss establishing your appointment at the new location. Teaming up with Alluvion means we program well poised to meet your medical indispensables and offer a wide variety declining qualified care support options. For more information on Alluvion Health, you can universally visit their website at  

It deterioration my privilege to continue to defend you at Alluvion Health. I equable forward to supporting you and your welfare care needs now and in picture future. 

If you have any questions concerning your transition of care to justness new site, need to schedule an appointment, or if you need assistance lay into transfer of your care, please telephone call our office at (4o6) o5o or Sediment Health (4o6)

Warm Regards,

Elaine A Barbieri, M.D.